Metal Objects


Water formed Vessels

Theses objects & sculptures are part-formed by water and pressure, which allows me to draw parallels to the body; the outcomes carry a disruption and require repair and often patination to highlight the contours the process has burdened the material. 

Irtyu 2020


Indigo dyeing to trade with you, my soul is copper shaded with marks of green.

Trapped water shines out blue, to tell your eyes a story of pigmented skies. 

My heaven is Lapus and stains your touch, with a wealth of wisdom leaving evidence of your intrusion to my moment in the sun. 

Traces left on you disrupt your thinking, question your privilege to stratify your curiosity. 

Deep ocean of blue memories, I am created by mothering,  my maker patinated me with tales of experiences. 

Time changed the complexion of my surface, revealing my quartz to sparkle at my preference.

Winner of the Theo Fennell Metal in Award 2020]


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    Ancestral 2021 - Black Copper & Silver

  • "This ain't no pussy shit" 2020 - Copper